Usually people come to me for therapy because they are experiencing some kind of emotional struggle. Sometimes this can be issues from the past that have never been resolved or things that have happened, that weren’t anticipated which have thrown you off course and leave you feeling stuck. If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, low mood, loss or emotional problems and would like to overcome them and improve confidence, self esteem, motivation then therapy can help you achieve this.

Within therapy, I provide you with a safe and confidential space for you to talk about your issues or concerns, explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviour so you can get a better understanding of yourself and of others.

I’m not here to tell you what to do but to guide you to find your own solutions, whether that is finding ways to better cope with your problems or making changes in your life.

Generally, in one to one therapy sessions we meet weekly or fortnightly either face to face or online, each session lasting for 50 minutes.

Therapy sessions start from £75 per session.

Therapy at Blend by Carol Nesbitt